Tag: laughter

Oh, My Lord! You Won’t Believe This One!

In Reverend Susan Sparks’ book, “Laugh Your Way to Grace,” a single phrase sums the unique perspective of a lawyer, minister, standup comedian cancer survivor: “…alone with what were soon to be my two constant companions: cancer and sarcasm.” After facing a breast cancer diagnosis five years ago, Susan Sparks found herself using humor to…

What Do You Say to A Breast Cancer Husband? “Shut Up and Listen!”

Editors’ Note: Marc Silver is a big believer in the breast cancer husband’s motto: “Shut up and listen.” Marc’s wife, Marsha Dale, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001. Today, Marsha is in good health. Marc was a typical clueless husband, and he went looking for a book to help him out. When he couldn’t…