Category: Moving_CancerForward

The Honorable Mark White Cancer & Life

Mark White was the 43rd governor of the great state of Texas from 1983 to 1987. He became a cancer survivor at the age of 67 in 2006. Kate Allen Stukenberg sits down with the former governor for a candid conversation about being diagnosed with cancer, telling his family, and what happened next. How did…

Elizabeth Edwards: in memoriam (1949-2010)

In October, 2004, Elizabeth Edwards was traveling the United States supporting her husband, John Edwards, the former senator and Democratic vice presidential nominee. While on the campaign trail in Wisconsin, she detected a lump the size of a slice of plum on the side of her breast. Having a harmless breast cyst before, she thought…

Reaching to Recovery: Delivering Pin Cushions & Dispensing Bird Seed

When I awoke from my biopsy and heard the doctor say, “I’m sorry Mrs. Cohen, but it’s malignant,” I looked around to see if there was another Mrs. Cohen in the room. But then I looked from his face to that of my husband and knew I was the Mrs. Cohen he was talking to….