Online General Support Resources

The following listing of informative websites is categorized by general issues of cancer rehabilitation. Select a general support category below to be transferred to a listing of related websites.



Family Caregiver Alliance/National Center on Caregiving
Family Caregiver Alliance founded in 1977 serves as a public voice for families and friends providing long-term care at home, illuminating the daily challenges they face, offering them the assistance they so desperately need and deserve, and championing their cause through education, services, research and advocacy.

National Alliance for Caregiving
Established in 1996, The National Alliance for Caregiving is a non-profit coalition of national organizations focusing on issues of family caregiving. Recognizing that family caregivers provide important societal and financial contributions toward maintaining the well-being of those they care for, the Alliance’s mission is to be the objective national resource on family caregiving with the goal of improving the quality of life for families and care recipients.

National Family Caregivers Association
The National Family Caregivers Association educates, supports, empowers and speaks up for the more than 65 million Americans who care for loved ones with a chronic illness or disability or the frailties of old age. It reaches across the boundaries of diagnoses, relationships and life stages to help transform family caregivers’ lives by removing barriers to health and well being.


Complimentary/Integrative Medicine Education Resources (CIMER)
The M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Complementary/Integrative Medicine Education Resources (CIMER) are dedicated to providing educational resources to health care professionals and patients regarding the current understanding of complementary medicine.

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) is the Federal Government’s lead agency for scientific research on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Its mission is to explore complementary and alternative healing practices in the context of rigorous science.

Seattle Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center
Seattle Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center opened in 1996 as the first cancer care clinic in the Pacific Northwest where Board-certified medical oncologists work side by side with Board-certified naturopathic oncologists, Chinese medicine practitioners, acupuncturists and other complementary care providers to offer comprehensive treatment choices.

Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine
Housed at Massachusetts General Hospital, the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine is a non-profit scientific and educational organization dedicated to research, teaching, and clinical application of mind/body medicine and its integration into all areas of health.

Center for Mind-Body Medicine
The Center for Mind-Body Medicine is dedicated to reviving the spirit and transforming the practice of medicine. The Center works to create a more effective, comprehensive and compassionate model of healthcare and health education, with its model combining the precision of modern science with the wisdom of the world’s healing traditions, to help health professionals heal themselves, their patients and clients, and their communities.

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Integrative Medicine Service
Established in 1999, the Integrative Medicine Service at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center complements mainstream medical care by addressing the physical and emotional symptoms associated with cancer and its treatment.

The Jung Center of Houston
Founded in 1958, The Jung Center is a nonprofit educational institution dedicated to the continuing education of the human spirit through psychology, the arts and the humanities. Through programs with children, senior citizens, professional caregivers, and those suffering with life-threatening illnesses, it emphasizes the value of the expressive arts in facilitating physical and psychological healing.


Cade Foundation
The Tinina Q. Cade Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit organization focused on helping families struggling with and overcoming infertility.

Hope for Two…The Pregnant with Cancer Network
Hope for Two…The Pregnant with Cancer Network is an organization dedicated to providing women diagnosed with cancer while pregnant with information, support and hope.
Led by Northwestern University researchers, this group consists of a network of doctors, scientists, and scholars dedicated to the advancement of technologies that will provide improved fertility preservation options for people diagnosed with cancer (and other serious diseases) who must undergo treatments that threaten their fertility.

RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association
RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, established in 1974, is a non-profit organization with the only established, nationwide network mandated to promote reproductive health and to ensure equal access to all family building options for men and women experiencing infertility or other reproductive disorders.

Society of Assisted Reproductive Technology
The Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology promotes and advances the standards for the practice of assisted reproductive technology to the benefit of our patients, members, and society at large.


Aspen Cancer Survivor Center
The Center’s mission is to optimize the quality of life of cancer survivors. It provides scientifically based fitness programming, nutritional guidance, mental health services and one-on-one coaching in a caring, personal and professional environment.

Cancer Lifeline
Cancer Lifeline provides emotional support, resources, educational classes and exercise programs designed to support people in all stages of the cancer process, welcoming patients, survivors, their families, friends, co-workers and caregivers.

Cancer RD
This website is written by a dietitian who is a 3-time cancer survivor. It provides great suggestions for healthy eating, along with meal ideas and menus. Check out the frequently asked questions section for lots of great info!

Lymphatic Research Foundation
The Lymphatic Research Foundation is a not-for profit organization whose mission is to ad­vance re­search of the lymphatic system and to find the cause of and cure for lymphatic dis­eases, lymphedema, and related disorders.

Lymphedema Awareness Foundation (LAF)

The LAF’s purpose is to improve knowledge of effective treatment programs and raise awareness of lymphedema in the medical, media, political and general public arenas.

National Lymphedema Network
The National Lymphedema Network is an internationally recognized non-profit organization founded in 1988 to provide education and guidance to lymphedema patients, health care professionals and the general public by disseminating information on the prevention and management of primary and secondary lymphedema.

Reel Recovery
The mission of Reel Recovery is to help men in the cancer recovery process by introducing them to the healing powers of the sport of fly-fishing, while providing a safe, supportive environment to explore their personal experiences of cancer with others who share their stories.

Reeling & Healing Midwest
Reeling & Healing Midwest is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that champions fly-fishing wellness retreats for women battling and surviving cancer.

River Discovery
River adventures for teen and adult cancer survivors that promote healing and strengthen the mind, body and spirit.

Team Survivor
Team Survivor provides group exercise and support programs for women with a present or past diagnosis of cancer. Women of all ages and fitness levels and in all stages of cancer treatment and recovery are welcome. Team Survivor is open to women who have been diagnosed with any type of cancer.

The Cancer Project
The Cancer Project advances cancer prevention and survival through nutrition education and research. The Cancer Project’s hands-on nutrition classes have become incredibly popular, helping cancer survivors and their families learn new tastes and easy food preparation skills.

The Inner Cook
The Inner Cook is a company consisting of a group of dedicated pros in the culinary arts who want to spread the word that eating nourishingly scrumptious meals is within the grasp of cancer survivors. Through the Inner Cook, chef Rebecca Katz teaches creative culinary solutions to people navigating the after effects of cancer treatments. Rebecca is the Executive Chef for The Center for Mind-Body Medicine’s Food As Medicine and CancerGuides® Professional Training Programs, which attracts the country’s top cancer wellness physicians, nurses, social workers, and researchers.

About Herbs, Botanicals, and Other Products
This website, from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, provides up-to-date, evidence-based information on herbs, botanicals, and other dietary supplements.

American Physical Therapy Association
The American Physical Therapy Association is a national professional organization with a goal of fostering advancements in physical therapy practice, research, and education. the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of movement dysfunctions and the enhancement of the physical health and functional abilities of members of the public.

The American Institute for Cancer Research
The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) is the nation’s leading charity in the field of nutrition, physical activity and weight management as it relates to cancer prevention and survivorship. This website has up-to-date info on how nutrition impacts cancer. It also provides great recipes and many free publications.


Mautner Project
Mautner Project, The National Lesbian Health Organization, improves the health of lesbians, bisexual and transgender women who partner with women (WPW) and their families by offering various support groups for cancer clients, caregivers, those grieving a loss, as well as health & wellness groups.

National LGBT Cancer Network
Formerly known as The LGBT Cancer Project, the National LGBT Cancer Network works to improve the lives of LGBT cancer survivors and those at risk by educating, training and advocating for LGBT survivors in mainstream cancer organizations, the media and research.

National LGBT Cancer Project – Out With Cancer
The National LGBT Cancer Project – Out With Cancer is our country’s first and leading Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered cancer survivor support and advocacy nonprofit organization. Out With Cancer is committed to improving the health of LGBT cancer survivors through direct and support service, patient navigation, education and advocacy.


Chinese Community Cancer Information Center
The Chinese Community Health Resource Center was established as a private, non-profit community center by the Chinese Community Health Care Association (a physicians’ independent practice association), Chinese Community Health Plan, and Chinese Hospital. The Center’s mission is to build a healthy community through culturally and linguistically competent preventive health, disease management, and research programs.

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National Alliance for Hispanic Health
The Alliance’s mission is to improve the health of Hispanic communities and work with others to secure health for all. The National Alliance for Hispanic Health is the nation’s foremost source of information on Hispanic health and a science-based and community driven advocate for health.

National Asian Women’s Health Organization (NAWHO)
NAWHO is a national non-profit health organization with a mission to achieve health equity for Asian women and families. Through innovative programs and groundbreaking partnerships, NAWHO has improved breast cancer screening outreach, increasing awareness of diabetes risk, and closing the gaps in immunization coverage.

Native American Cancer Research (NACR)
NACR is dedicated to helping improve the lives of Native American cancer patients and survivors. It seeks to reduce Native American cancer incidence and mortality, and to increase survival from cancer among Native Americans.

Native People’s Circle of Hope
The Native People’s Circle of Hope is a coalition of Native American cancer support groups. Its mission is to provide hope and improvement of communication, support, education and advocacy for the cancer survivor.

Pan American Health Organization
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is an international public health agency with more than 100 years of experience in working to improve health and living standards of the countries of the Americas.


American Pain Foundation
Founded in 1997, the American Pain Foundation is an independent nonprofit 501(c)3 organization serving people with pain through information, advocacy, and support.

Child Cancer Pain
The design and development of this website and its contents were funded by a grant from the Texas Cancer Council as a resource, focused on pain management, for health professionals who care for children with cancer. strives to be the premier educational and informational resource on the Internet for health care professionals and patients who have an interest in pain and its management.


Caring Connections
Caring Connections, a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO), is a national consumer and community engagement initiative to improve care at the end of life.

Children’s Hospice International
Children’s Hospice International, a non-profit organization, was founded in 1983 to promote hospice support through pediatric care facilities and encourage the inclusion of children in existing and developing hospice, palliative, and home care programs.

City of Hope Pain & Palliative Care Resource Center
The City of Hope’s Pain & Palliative Care Resource Center provides multiple educational resources and educational tools that can be downloaded by patients, caregivers, health care providers and survivors. Quality of Life and Cancer Survivorship, Spirituality, Palliative Care/End of Life/Bereavement, Pain and Symptom Management are key categories included.

Compassion & Choices
Compassion & Choices, a nonprofit organization, improves care and expands choice at the end of life, through support, education and advocacy.

Hospice Foundation of America
Hospice Foundation of America provides leadership in the development and application of hospice and its philosophy of care with the goal of enhancing the U.S. health care system and the role of hospice within it.

Hospice Education Institute
The Institute is an independent, not-for-profit organization, providing the public and health care professionals with information and education about the many facets of caring for the dying and the bereaved.

Living with Death and Dying
In this compassionate and moving guide to communicating with the terminally ill, Dr. Elisabeth Küebler-Ross, the world’s foremost expert on death and dying, shares her tools for understanding how the dying convey their innermost knowledge and needs. Expanding on the workshops that have made her famous and loved around the world, she shows the importance of meaningful dialogue in helping patients to die with peace and dignity.

National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization
The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization is the largest nonprofit membership organization representing hospice and palliative care programs and professionals in the United States.

National Institute for Jewish Hospice (NIJH)
NIJH was established in 1985 to help alleviate suffering in serious and terminal illness. It communicates with hospices, family service, medical organizations, and all health-care agencies alerting them to the plight of the Jewish terminally ill.

National Association for Home Care & Hospice
This is the largest and most respected professional association representing the interests of Americans who need home care (including acute, long-term, and terminal care) and the caregivers that provide them with in-home health and supportive services.

National Consensus Project for Quality Palliative Care
The project provides guidelines that serve as a foundation for the National Quality Forum Preferred Practices and have become a hallmark within the field guiding policy makers, providers, practitioners and consumers in understanding the principles of quality palliative care.


International Association of Laryngectomees (IAL)
The mission of the IAL is to support individuals and their families, who have lost their voice due to the removal of their larynx by supporting lost chords clubs, assisting and coordinating educational/support conferences and continuing the legacy of one laryngectomee helping another out of voicelessness.

Locks of Love
Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis.

The Neuropathy Association
The Neuropathy Association is the leading national non-profit organization serving the peripheral neuropathy community. It provides support and education, advocacy for patients’ interests, and promotes research into the causes of and cures for neuropathy.

United Ostomy Association of America
The United Ostomy Associations of America, Inc. (UOAA) is a national network for bowel and urinary diversion support groups in the United States. Its goal is to provide a nonprofit association that will serve to unify and strengthen its member support groups, which are organized for the benefit of people who have, or will have intestinal or urinary diversions and their caregivers.

Wigs for Cancer Patients
The mission of Wigs for Cancer Patients is to provide helpful information and excellent solutions for quality wigs that are needed for hair loss while having chemotherapy, radiation or other medical treatments.

Wigs for Kids
Wigs for Kids provides hair replacement systems to children under the age of 18 who have lost their hair as a result of medical treatments, health conditions, or burn accidents. Children must come from families that cannot otherwise pay for a hair system.

American Society for Therapeutic Radiology & Oncology
Radiation oncologists, radiation oncology nurses, medical physicists, radiation therapists, dosimetrists and biologists comprise ASTRO, making it the largest radiation oncology organization of its kind. These medical professionals, found at hospitals and cancer treatment centers around the globe, make up the radiation therapy treatment teams that are critical in the fight against cancer.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association is committed to ensuring that all people with speech, language, and hearing disorders receive services to help them communicate effectively.

National Association For Continence
The National Association For Continence is a national, private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of people with incontinence, voiding dysfunction, and related pelvic floor disorders.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke
The mission of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke is to reduce the burden of neurological disease – a burden borne by every age group, by every segment of society, by people all over the world.

National Lymphedema Network
The National Lymphedema Network (NLN) is an internationally recognized non-profit organization founded in 1988 to provide education and guidance to lymphedema patients, health care professionals and the general public by disseminating information on the prevention and management of primary and secondary lymphedema.

National Osteoporosis Foundation
The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) is dedicated to the prevention of osteoporosis and broken bones, the promotion of strong bones for life and the reduction of human suffering through programs of public and clinician awareness, education, advocacy and research.


Center for Medicare Advocacy, Inc.
The Center for Medicare Advocacy works to advance fair access to comprehensive Medicare coverage and quality health care for older people and people with disabilities by providing the highest quality analysis, education and advocacy.

Corporate Angel Network
Corporate Angel Network is the only charitable organization in the USA whose sole mission is to ease the emotional stress, physical discomfort and financial burden of travel for cancer patients by arranging free flights to treatment centers, using the empty seats on corporate aircraft flying on routine business.

National Patient Travel Center
The National Patient Travel HELPLINE provides information about all forms of charitable, long-distance medical air transportation and provides referrals to all appropriate sources of help available in the national charitable medical air transportation network.

Patient Advocate Foundation
The Patient Advocate Foundation provides effective mediation and arbitration services to patients to remove obstacles to healthcare including medical debt crisis, insurance access issues and employment issues for patients with chronic, debilitating and life-threatening illnesses.

Ronald McDonald House Charities
Ronald McDonald House provides a “home-away-from-home” for families so they can stay close by their hospitalized child at little or no cost. Their Houses are built on the simple idea that nothing else should matter when a family is focused on healing their child – not where they can afford to stay, where they will get their next meal or where they will lay their head at night to rest.

The Pro Bono Counseling Project
The Pro Bono Counseling Project (PBCP) assures that uninsured or under-insured, low-income families and individuals in need of mental health care are linked with licensed mental health professionals who provide care on a volunteer basis at no cost. For those who are doubly victimized by a cancer diagnosis and a lack of financial resources, The Jean Steirn Cancer Program provides free mental health treatment, linkage to necessary support services in the community and transportation to therapy appointments as necessary.

Cancer and Careers
Cancer and Careers is committed to changing the face of cancer in the workplace by providing a comprehensive website, free publications, and a series of support groups and educational seminars for employees with cancer.

Cancer Legal Resource Center
The Cancer Legal Resource Center (CLRC) is a national, joint program of the Disability Rights Legal Center and Loyola Law School Los Angeles. It provides free information and resources on cancer-related legal issues to cancer survivors, caregivers, health care professionals, employers, and others coping with cancer.

Job Accomodation Network
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues.

Joe’s House
Joe’s House is a nonprofit organization providing a nation-wide online service that helps cancer patients and their families find lodging near treatment centers.

Life and Insurance Foundation for Education
The Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education (LIFE) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping consumers make smart insurance decisions to safeguard their families’ financial futures, addressing disability, long-term care and health insurance.


Look Good…Feel Better
Look Good…Feel Better is a free, non-medical, brand-neutral, national public service program created to help individuals with cancer look good, improve their self-esteem, and manage their treatment and recovery with greater confidence.

Social Workers Help Starts Here
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is the largest organization of professional social workers in the world, with 150,000 members, 90% of whom hold master’s degrees in social work. Social workers intervene with issues such as cancer pain management treatments, coping with cancer, and legal protections in the workplace for individuals with cancer.

Special Love
Special Love a nonprofit organization that provides cancer families a network of support, made up of other patients and families who know and understand the trials and triumphs of the cancer experience.

The Oley Foundation
Founded in 1983, the Oley Foundation is a national non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides information and psycho-social support to consumers of home parenteral (IV) and enteral (Tube-fed) nutrition (homePEN), helping them live fuller, richer lives.

Well Spouse Association
The Well Spouse Association, a nonprofit organization, advocates for and addresses the needs of individuals caring for a chronically ill and/or disabled spouse/partner. It offers peer to peer support and educates health care professionals and the general public about the special challenges and unique issues “well” spouses face every day.

American Psychosocial Oncology Society
The mission of American Psychosocial Oncology Society is to advance the science and practice of psychosocial care for people with cancer.

Anxiety Disorders of America
The Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA) is the only national nonprofit organization solely dedicated to informing the public, health care professionals, and media that anxiety disorders are real, serious, and treatable.

Mental Health America
Mental Health America (formerly known as the National Mental Health Association) is the country’s leading nonprofit dedicated to helping ALL people live mentally healthier lives.

Shop Well With You
Shop Well with You (SWY) is a not-for-profit organization and body-image resource for women surviving cancer, their caregivers and healthcare providers, helping women improve their self-image and quality of life.


CancerCare is a national nonprofit organization that provides free, professional support services for anyone affected by cancer.

Dream Foundation
Dream Foundation, founded in Santa Barbara in 1994, is the first national wish granting organization for adults suffering life-threatening illness. The mission of the Dream Foundation is to enhance the quality of life for individuals and their families who are battling life-threatening illness.

Harmony Hill Retreat Center
Harmony Hill’s mission is to improve the quality of life for those affected by cancer, providing support and resources that inspire renewal. It fulfills its mission by providing facilities as a retreat center for groups of all kinds, offering generous hospitality and excellent service in a spectacular natural setting.

Live Longer, Live Stronger: A Holistic Approach for Cancer Patients and Their Families
Live Longer, Live Stronger is a handbook for thriving with cancer. Its stories and exercises distill the experience of thousands of families in finding the right treatment, conquering fear, using hope as good medicine, surmounting barriers to treatment, increasing quality and meaning of life, and redefining your relationship with cancer. Authors William M. Buchholz, M.D., Hematology and Oncology, and Susan W. Buchholz, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, bring a deep respect for the teachings of their patients.


CancerQuest was designed to present an overview of both normal and cancer biology. While most site visitors are looking for cancer-related information, CancerQuest believes it is important to provide information about how normal cells work.

Cancer Trials Support Unit
The Cancer Trials Support Unit is a project sponsored by the National Cancer Institutes for the support of a national network of physicians to participate in NCI-sponsored Phase III cancer treatment trials. The majority of these trials are sponsored by the adult Cooperative Clinical Trials Groups.

The mission of CenterWatch is to be the leading sources of news, directories, analysis, and proprietary market research for clinical research professionals and patients.

Coalition of Cancer Cooperative Groups
The Coalition of Cancer Cooperative Groups is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve the quality of life and survival of cancer patients by increasing participation in cancer clinical trials.

eCancerTrials is a service that helps cancer patients find appropriate clinical trials evaluating new or novel treatment approaches. On physicians, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies list their ongoing clinical trials in an easy to use database so patients can search for clinical trials appropriate to their situation.

EmergingMed’s mission is to create a coordinated, seamless connection between patients, clinical trials, and physicians at exactly the right time–when a person’s medical situation is perfectly aligned with a researcher’s effort to find new and better treatments.

How To Find a Cancer Treatment Trial: A 10-Step Guide
This National Institutes of Health website provides a comprehensive guide to help patients look for a cancer treatment clinical trial.

American Institute for Cancer Research

The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) helps people make choices that reduce their chances of developing cancer, focusing on the funding of research on the relationship of nutrition, physical activity and weight management to cancer risk.

Wipe Out Kids Cancer
In 1980, Wipe Out Kids Cancer (WOKC) was established by in Dallas, Texas by Cindy Brinker Simmons, with the mission of funding pediatric cancer research. Today WOKC not only funds cancer research, but also sponsors programs for kids and their families inclulding “Buddy Bags” for hospital stays and college scholarships to pediatric cancer survivors.

NIHSeniorHealth makes aging-related health information easily accessible for family members and friends seeking reliable, easy to understand online health information.


Spirituality and Health
A periodical offering self-tests, guidance on spiritual practices; reviews of the latest resources for people on spiritual journeys; inspiration and insights from leading teachers, researchers, and practitioners; and a forum for the active exchange of ideas among various disciplines and communities.

HealthCare Chaplaincy
The nonprofit, multifaith HealthCare Chaplaincy is a national leader in research, education and practice that integrates spirituality with medical care, reducing suffering and helping people with life-altering illness to live well and live fully. It helps hospital patients and families in difficult situations find meaning and comfort regardless of religion or beliefs.

The Institute of Spirituality and Health
The Institute offers a wide range of programs that support healthcare provider wellness, promote compassionate health care, and provide a nurturing environment for collaborative education and research relevant to health, healing and spirituality.


Blood & Marrow Transplant Information Network
The Blood & Marrow Transplant Information Network (BMT InfoNet) links patients with survivors who can provide emotional support. is an interactive non-profit 501(c)(3) organization which seeks to motivate, empower and enlighten people with an interest in bone marrow transplantation through peer support, education and awareness of this difficult but potentially life-saving procedure.

Cancer Supportive Care
The Cancer Supportive Care website provides information to improve the general physical and mental health and quality of life for newly diagnosed cancer patients on therapy, as well as promote long-term survivorship.

National Bone Marrow Transplant Link
The mission of the National Bone Marrow Transplant Link is to help patients, caregivers, and families cope with the social and emotional challenges of bone marrow/stem cell transplant from diagnosis through survivorship by providing vital information and personalized support services.

National Comprehensive Cancer Network
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), a not-for-profit alliance of 21 of the world’s leading cancer centers, is dedicated to improving the quality and effectiveness of care provided to patients with cancer.

National Marrow Donor Program
The National Marrow Donor Program® (NMDP) and our Be The Match Foundation® are nonprofit organizations dedicated to creating an opportunity for all patients with leukemia and other life-threatening diseases to receive the bone marrow or umbilical cord blood transplant they need, when they need it.

NCI’s Cancer Information Service
The National Cancer Institute’s (NCI’s) Cancer Information Service (CIS) is a federally funded program that was established in 1975 as an essential part of NCI’s cancer education and information efforts. It provides scientifically based, unbiased information to patients, their families and friends, physicians and other health professionals.

RT Answers
The American Society for Radiation Oncology, created this website to explain to patients, their families and the public how doctors called radiation oncologists use radiation therapy to treat cancer safely and effectively.

Taking Time: Support for People with Cancer and the People Who Care About Them
This book published by the National Cancer Institute was written to help its readers learn from other people with cancer. Many people helped write this book – patients, their family members, and friends.

Visiting Nurse Associations of America
The Visiting Nurse Associations of America (VNAA) is a national association that promotes community-based, nonprofit home health and hospice providers that care for all individuals regardless of complexity of condition or ability to pay.


Camp Aranzazu
Camp Aranzazu is dedicated to enriching the lives of children and adults with chronic illnesses and disabilities by providing unique camping, environmental studies, and retreat experiences to groups with special needs.

Camp Good Days and Special Times, Inc.
Camp Good Days and Special Times, Inc. is dedicated to improving the quality of life for children, adults and families whose lives have been touched by cancer and other life challenges through summer camping experiences and year-round events and activities.

Children’s Oncology Camping Association International
Children’s Oncology Camps of America was founded by a dozen pioneer oncology camps. The personnel from these twelve camps found the lives of children with cancer were immeasurably enhanced by camping. Noting their similar experiences, these visionaries believed a forum should be created to share their ideas and experiences. That forum known as C.O.C.A. currently consists of over 65 member camps from within the United States.

Children’s Treehouse Foundation
Children’s Treehouse Foundation is the nation’s only organization providing hospital-based, cancer-focused, psychosocial intervention training and programming dedicated to improving the emotional health of children whose parents have cancer.

Child Cancer Pain
The design and development of this website and its contents were funded by a grant from the Texas Cancer Council as a resource, focused on pain management, for health professionals who care for children with cancer.

Clayton Dabney Foundation For Kids with Cancer
The Clayton Dabney Foundation for Kids with Cancer provides needy families, with children in the last stages of terminal cancer, assistance in creating everlasting memories. The assistance is arranged through the parents and is anonymous to the child.

First Descents
First Descents is committed to curing young adults of the emotional effects of cancer and empowering them to regain control of their lives by experiencing outdoor adventure therapy through kayaking, rock climbing and other outdoor adventure sports.

Kids ‘n Camp
Kids ‘n Kamp is devoted to the social, educational and emotional needs of children with cancer. By providing family activities, tutoring, counseling and support opportunities, the Kids ‘n Kamp network touches the lives of more than 400 children and their families each year.

KOA Care Camps
The KOA system of campgrounds in the United States and Canada sponsors special non-profit programs for helping youngsters stricken with cancer and siblings to participate in the camping experience at an authorized “cancer camp.”

Locks of Love
Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis.

National Collegiate Cancer Foundation
The Foundation provides need-based financial support to young adult survivors who are pursuing higher education throughout their treatment and beyond. Furthermore, the Foundation promotes awareness and prevention of cancer within the young adult community.

National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction
Established in 1951, the National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction housed at NYU Medical Center addresses the plight of children with a facial disfigurement by supporting state – of – the – art treatment, innovative research, and psychosocial support.

National Students of AMF Support Network
The mission of National Students of AMF is to support college students grieving the illness or death of a loved one.

Ronald McDonald House Charities
Ronald McDonald House provides a “home-away-from-home” for families so they can stay close by their hospitalized child at little or no cost. Their Houses are built on the simple idea that nothing else should matter when a family is focused on healing their child – not where they can afford to stay, where they will get their next meal or where they will lay their head at night to rest.

Starlight Children’s Foundation
For more than 25 years, Starlight Children’s Foundation has been dedicated to improving the quality of life for children with chronic and life-threatening illnesses and life-altering injuries by providing entertainment, education and family activities that help them cope with the pain, fear and isolation of prolonged illness.

SuperSibs! is dedicated to ensuring ongoing comfort, recognition and support to children with brothers and sisters who have cancer. SuperSibs! helps these siblings to redefine the cancer experience to use these life lessons for strength, courage and hope as they move into the future.

Wigs for Kids
Wigs for Kids provides hair replacement systems to children under the age of 18 who have lost their hair as a result of medical treatments, health conditions, or burn accidents. Children must come from families that cannot otherwise pay for a hair system.

Young Cancer Spouses
The mission of Young Cancer Spouses is to bring together young spouses of adults with cancer to share information, support, and experiences.

Wipe Out Kids Cancer
In 1980, Wipe Out Kids Cancer (WOKC) was established by in Dallas, Texas by Cindy Brinker Simmons, with the mission of funding pediatric cancer research. Today WOKC not only funds cancer research, but also sponsors programs for kids and their families inclulding “Buddy Bags” for hospital stays and college scholarships to pediatric cancer survivors.